" Bien-être pour une terre de culture, d'histoire et de tradition ".

Nous sommes une association civile à but non lucratif, 100 % mexicaine né le 28 Juin 2012. Spécialisée dans la faune sauvage et la conservation de l’environnement.


Nous avons été constitués sur la base du besoin urgent de conserver et de préserver l'environnement, nous faisons la promotion et la recherche des initiatives privées et au sein du secteur rural.


"Le beauté naturelle est passionante ".

We are recognized by SEMARNAT (Mexico´s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) as an organization related to the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife with the registration number SGPA-DGVS-ORG-0067DF2007

We collaborate with



Texas parks and wild life department


Southern wings

Non-Profit Organization U.S.A.



México´s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources



Private Wildlife Consulting Mexico


Aix Marseille Université

France University



affiliations & colaborations

"force of our planet, moves and transforms, guide us to the common well being."

To monitor and conserve Puebla state Mixteca region biodiversity, including various sectors of society (government, academia, private initiative and organized civil society) to promote and conduct real actions for protection and conservation of biodiversity to ensure our common future.

our objetive

“We take advantage of mother´s nature energy to continue the natural cycle renovation.”

To conduct research, divulgation, and create alternatives for the sustainable use of the natural resources through a community based dynamic.

To promote within the Mexican human population awareness of environmental education for the care and use of wildlife .

our mission

our vision


Calle Nahuatlacas Pte. 28 Reserva Territorial Quetzalcoatl,  Cp. 72700  Cuautlancingo, Puebla.